Black Magic NFTs

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen; I'm just me.

I have a deep appreciation for life and I make it my mission to spread joy with my words.

As an artist, I believe in the power of creativity to change the world. As a reformer, I believe that we need to make the world a better place. As a cynic, I don't believe that either one of these will happen conveniently or easily. As a hopeless dreamer, I still have hope for our planet and humanity. And as a zen practitioner, my faith is not in words but in action.These dichotomies are what make me who I am and guide me every day on my journey so far.

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen What I do now is to encourage people to be more optimistic. I analyze reasons for human pessimism and offer solutions. I'm a believer that the world is always in need of some improvement. We can learn from past mistakes and make the future better than ever before.

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen I'm a dreamer who's not so sure we'll be ok And I'm a cynic who knows what the world should be There's a voice in my head that says "You can't..." But there is another voice in my heart that says "You can" So I listen to my heart instead of the voice in my head And I take one more step into the unknown.

I am confident in my abilities and still, I know that there are areas that I cannot venture into

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen I'm an artist because I have a vision and I make it happen I'm a reformer because the world is not perfect and I want to make it better I'm a cynic because the world is not perfect yet and will never be perfect I'm a hopeless dreamer because the world is not perfect yet and I know it will never be perfect I'm zen because I know that everything changes in life

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen. I'm the voice of the people. I am the people who cry when no one is looking and laugh when no one is listening. I am not a number or statistic or case study- I am not your problem to solve or another number on a spreadsheet. I am more than this.

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen I paint to create to show what's in my head to show colors and shapes and light to make a quiet moment louder a beautiful memory more vivid a combination of truth and fiction.

It's about how you are, not what you are.

You can be anything you want to be.

So much for the misfit, the outcast, the apocalyptic child who would not be quiet.

I am here to tell you that dissent and refusal are not futile.

I'm an artist, reformer, cynic, hopeless dreamer, zen.